Collinson awarded The Elgantyne Jebb Award for Extraordinary Team Contribution at Save the Children’s Partnership Awards

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Marketing Team
22 Apr 2021

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On 15th April, Collinson was selected as the winner of 'The Elgantyne Jebb Award for Extraordinary Team Contribution in Support of a Partnership' at Save the Children’s virtual Partnership Awards 2021. Our colleagues Cadence Willis, Global Director of Employee Engagement and Corporate Responsibility, Jane Barr, Executive Assistant to Joint CEO & Corporate Responsibility Programme Manager, and teams across Collinson were recognised for their outstanding contribution to support initiatives and programmes, and fundraising efforts for Save the Children over the past year.

We’re incredibly proud of our global partnership with Save the Children and the role we’ve played in supporting children during such a challenging year. Being recognised for our outstanding team contribution in the first year of our partnership is testament to all of our amazing people who have donated their time, energy and resources to support children in need.

Cadence continued, “Together we’ve raised more than £10,000 for Save's Emergency Fund, mentored 200 young migrants in China, supported local children's villages in Cape Town, raised funds and awareness for children's mental health in Hong Kong, helped to bridge the digital divide in London, supported the Disaster Emergency Committee’s Coronavirus Appeal and so much more.”

Co-host of the awards ceremony, Natasha Kaplinsky OBE, Save the Children Ambassador, said, “All of our fantastic partners are playing a crucial role in changing children's lives, and the virtual ceremony was a wonderful reminder of this.”

In total, ten award winners across eight award categories were announced, each resulting from the achievements of their partnerships with Save the Children that have positively impacted young people’s lives around the world. The full list of winners and nominees can be found here.

Collinson’s Partnership with Save the Children

Collinson announced its three-year partnership with Save the Children in Spring 2020. In its first year, the partnership focused on supporting young migrants in China. Since July 2020, Collinson China employees have supported Save the Children’s China Migrant Youth Project in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, created to help improve young people’s employment skills and career development through online and offline training. 

With one in six children now living in conflict, and the number of natural disasters higher than ever before, we’re also very proud to be supporting Save the Children’s Emergency Fund which provides the flexibility, adaptability and urgency needed to help children caught up in emergencies. 

Local Collinson teams and employees from across our office locations have also taken part in various local programmes and their own personal charitable challenges, from shaving beards to running hundreds of miles, with the aim of raising funds to support children to reach their full potential

Visit here to read more about Collinson’s partnership with Save the Children and our wider Corporate Responsibility efforts to help children and young adults in need.

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