Taking personalisation inspiration from unbundled airfares

Marketing Team
Marketing Team
16 Nov 2018


What’s more personalised than getting exactly what you want and not paying for undesired extras? Unbundled airfares may not be personalisation as we tend to think of it, but they do recognise the growing appetite for customised experiences. They allow passengers of all classes to tailor their experiences by not paying for what they perceive as extraneous luxuries, such as unwanted mini pretzels or unnecessary baggage allowances, while supplementing the usual service with, say, priority boarding.

Personalisation is a top objective for loyalty practitioners across the globe, with 85% saying that a more personalised customer experience is a moderate, high, or critical priority strategy goal. That is according to research into travel, FS and retail loyalty that Collinson commissioned from Forrester Consulting. With its perpetual spot at the top of companies’ agendas, what can other industries learn from unbundled rates?

Giving people options makes them feel in control and demonstrates that companies respect them as individuals. Everything can be personalised to a degree – communications should use customer data to increase relevance. Rewards can be selected by the individual. In-store shopping can be simplified using customer preference data, just as online shopping can. 

Some industries lend themselves to customisation better than others, but any company can personalise its experience by creatively use customer data to deepen customer relationships.

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